Your sense of time is never the same as that of time itself, as measured by a clock. It's continuously warped and modified by the things you are doing and those that are happening around you.

If you think time moves super-fast for you, the first step then is acknowledging that time indeed moves super-fast for you - this acknowledgment will help you take action. The immediate next step is measuring where you are spending the time. Such measuring will come from focusing on what you are doing with the hours in your day. Focus is an essential critical quality to develop so you can start solving the crisis of time crises. Focus is key to understanding why certain moments seem to last longer than others; focus simply means that you are paying attention to the here and now; doing so actually slows down time already because you notice every little thing that you are doing.

Now for a moment, imagine if we're preoccupied with something else, like an interesting conversation or a movie – the time goes by in a flash. Now, if the same conversation or movie includes an element of surprise, it helps slow down time, though. In fact, surprises and novelty play a big role in slowing down time. As we age, if we don’t get surprised enough, there is less information that the brain needs to respond to, fewer memories that need to be stored, and we begin to perform the same things over and over again – making it look like we haven’t done anything really in retrospect. Leading such a monotonic life that seems all the same when we look back for months or years is akin to being on a highway where nothing stands out, and nothing of significance can be seen anymore.

🎯Intentionally focus on the moment at hand.

Time appears to move much more slowly than usual when we focus and do one thing at a time but with full attention. For instance, if all you did was watch a pot of water boil without attending to any other task at hand, time seems to pass much slower. On the contrary, time tends to pass quickly if you leave a pot of water while performing other tasks. This advice could very well be the single most crucial one for mastering time. Keeping time from slipping away requires focusing on the here and now. If your thoughts are wandering, you are missing out on the full depth of the events taking place right now.

😬Get out of your comfort zone and do many things.

Doing many things is a great way to slow down time. The brain ends up needing to store and process more information in response to new stimuli, and recalling those memories later helps you understand that you were indeed doing a lot of things during the time that passed. This one also gives you the impression that events occurred much before because there are simply so many more things that you did in the time that passed.

✊Put your mind to the test and take on some new challenges.

Try not to fit yourself into a belief of being primarily right- (analytical) or left- (creative) brain dominant. Engage in leisure activities, give it your best and make the most use of your available mental and physical efforts. As you take on new challenges, make sure that you concentrate on things one at a time with focus and deliberately pick depth over breadth in each of the things you are doing. Fortunately, success requires mastery which requires specialization, which in turn requires focus – ultimately helping you do more with the less time you got.

❌Don't always say yes; it's okay to say no.

Protecting your time and being selective about how you use it will make you feel more in charge, allowing you to slow down time. Don't agree with everything that comes your way, and set a limit on the number of engagements you'll commit to each week. Usually, we tend to say yes when we are not sure what we are working on and whether we even have the time to take on something new. However, if you are focused and striving towards success in a certain direction, there is little reason for you to agree on things that come your way that are not in your best interest.

Final Words:

Wasting time is wasting life, and it can never be a good thing. Intentionally doing things, working on time management, planning, focusing, saying no to things that are not in your best interests, quality over quantity of time, and using the time to maximize your energies are some of the various aspects that you need to keep pondering on as you try and slow down time to conquer it.

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