We make plans that we can’t seem to adhere to. And then when we want to do something, we end up doing something else - and even as we do that, we wish we should have been doing something else. Time is hard to come by, but too easy to mismanage.

It’s often not really an issue with how motivated you are - because even when you are highly motivated and energised to do what you wanted to or to get to where you wanted to in life, you are usually just going in circles wasting the little time you got, spending it on the things you don’t care about much in the longer term. If this sounds like you, even remotely, continue reading.

How Measuring Helps.

When you meaningfully measure and audit where your time is going and how you feel about it over the course of time, you can adjust your priorities and make noteworthy changes to your daily schedule in ways that help you maximise your energy and happiness levels. It’s powerful yet easy to use.

Why Optimise For Energy?

The things you do in your day either energise you or drain you. Often we know there are things that drain us, but we somehow end up doing them. Well… the reality is that unless you have complete agency over your time, there will always be things you will have no choice but to do. But, most of the time, those are not the ones that will be troubling you, because you know you don’t have a choice. The ones that annoy you are the things you know you can avoid and should have avoided, but end up doing anyway.

…But Motivation Is Fleeting.

The best way to do things is to actually do them. But many a times procrastination takes over our lives and we end up looking back only to notice years flew by without us doing the things we wanted to do. We always run into situations where we over-commit and under deliver, likely because we don’t even know where our time actually is going. How wonderful would it be if we had a complete control over our time - how we spend it, how it aligns with our long term and short term goals, etc. Planning is hard, but only planning can help you with turning your dreams into a reality. But you’ve been planning all the time and missing on making progress?

It’s usually never an issue with motivation. It’s an issue with having an idea of how much time you have in the first place to do the things you are planning to do.

How does beyond time help?

With beyond time, you continuously and consciously record where all the time is going in your day. And at the end of the day, you log how you are feeling across life, work, health and sleep - on a scale of 10. The scores are a reflection of how energised you felt throughout the day in those areas doing the things you were doing. Over time, as you understand the routines that decrease your scores, and the ones that increase your scores, think about how much of a powerful system you have at your disposal.

Measurement is the first step to identifying how you can improve your life. A powerful measurement system that encompasses both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of time, along with a habit tracker helps you improve how you lead your life.

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